2 weken geleden werd ik benaderd door het Parool. Ze wilden graag een artikel schrijven over geboortefotografie, maar vanuit de moeder. De vraag was of ik moeders kende in de omgeving Amsterdam die hieraan mee wilden werken. Ik mailde o.a. naar Marianne en Qwen en beiden vonden het leuk! Het resultaat is een twee pagina …
Wat een navelstreng! | Geboortefotografie Hoofddorp De papa en mama van Hugo willen het verhaal en de meeste foto’s voor zichzelf houden. Wel mag ik de onbetaalbare gezichtsuitdrukkingen van de papa laten zien en de enorme navelstreng waarmee Hugo werd geboren!
Good pregnancy, good preparation, good birth| Birth photographer in the Netherlands Manon and Richard knew that they wanted a photo shoot of their baby’s birth even before Manon fell pregnant, ever since she had read an article about my birth photographs in Flair magazine. Therefore, she emailed me as soon as she knew she was …
A star player with two mommies | Caesarean Rotterdam I first saw Patricia and Marcella at the information evening at the Maasstad Hospital in Rotterdam. It was Patricia in particular that showed interest and at that moment I didn’t know that they were going to have a baby together, they could of course just have …
Birth photography Leiden There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photos!
The near water birth Eva and I “know” each other via Twitter through her company Rondom Eva (Around Eva). When she spotted the water birth offer (the chance to win a free birth documentary for your water birth), she decided to respond. Only, she wasn’t due during the period the offer advertised. Under the motto: …
A heavenly baby and an unplanned C-section I met Lianne and Danny in February in Amsterdam, close to Amsterdam’s RAI exhibition centre, where I was taking part in the ‘9 month exhibition’. We had tried to meet up before that but, because they were/ are to be found every other Sunday at an AJAX game, …