Zoë de Sterrenkijker Dat deze kleine meid haar eigen willetje zou hebben kwam al naar voren toen Maarten en Renate bij mij waren voor een kennismakingsgesprek. Ze wilden graag de geboorte van hun meisje laten fotograferen, maar tijdens de laatste controle bleek ze in een stuitligging te liggen. Het woord “keizersnede” viel toen al, want …
Birthphotography Rotterdam There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photo’s!
Birthphotography Delft There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photo’s! For their maternity shoot you can take a look here. nd the
Birthphotography Middelburg – Home sweet home There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photo’s.
There is no translation for this birth story. Please enjoy the photo’s.
When the midwife asked: “can you turn on thé light?”, I thougt: oh no, this light will be diffcult to photographer with. It was! But with this photo, it turned out very special. Here he is: Xavi. Just born and allready “in the spotlight”. Welcome!
Blood Sweat and Tears On the 5th of May I receive a text: “the Braxton-Hicks contractions are back, if things really get going we’ll ring you”. And later that day: “It’s happening I think, When the contractions are coming every 4 minutes then I’ll ring the midwife.” You’ll understand; from then on I was nervous. …
Last Thursday I did my first birthession! If I have to describe it in one word, the only thing I can say is: Wow! It was só extremely special! Nest week there will be more, but here you have the sneakpreview! Welcome Raisa: daugther of Tamara and Paul