Not so long ago Romy, Donja, their dogs and I strolled through the Ritthemse forest where we shot a lovely maternity session. Her estimated due date is the 12th of June. On Tuesday the fifth of June (39 weeks pregnant), Donja thinks her waters have broken. The midwife comes by, but the test is …
Birth photography the Netherlands If you see the title of this story then you’ll probably think; ‘what on earth?’ This is the remarkable and beautiful story of a homebirth in Geleen inLimburg, but before I begin with that, I need to go back in time. It’s February, I’m standing with Jeanette at the ‘9 month …
Birth photography the Netherlands – Newspaper Zeeland Nice, last saturday there was an article in the regional newspaper: the PZC. “The first day of a new life” (in Dutch)
Birth photography Breda There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photos! rth
Birth photography Rotterdam There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photos!
Zoë de Sterrenkijker Dat deze kleine meid haar eigen willetje zou hebben kwam al naar voren toen Maarten en Renate bij mij waren voor een kennismakingsgesprek. Ze wilden graag de geboorte van hun meisje laten fotograferen, maar tijdens de laatste controle bleek ze in een stuitligging te liggen. Het woord “keizersnede” viel toen al, want …
Birthphotography Delft There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photo’s! For their maternity shoot you can take a look here. nd the
Giving birth with a photographer On Monday there was an article in the Telegraf about birth photography – “Giving birth with a photographer”. They hadcreated an online poll the weekend before where people could vote. The question was whether you would like to have a photographer at the birth. Only 4% answered with a yes. …