Quite often I write about certain products that I think you just need in your life. 🙂 I started doing this, when I was expecting Liv, and continued during our worldtrip. It’s still something I like to do. I’m never asked to do this. The only reason for doing it, is because I like sharing these things with all of you and I often get the question where something is from. So win-win.
What are affiliate links?
My friend introduced me into “the world of affiliates”. She said: “if you are linking to a product anyway, better make it an affiliate link. I already linked products regularly, but I never knew wat an affiliate link was. An affiliate link is just a normal link, but it links to my website as well. That means if you go to a certain company online by clicking on the link on my website, this company will see that you came through my website. If you are just as excited about the product as I am, then I receive a small percentage of the amount you have spend. Again, companies do not pay or ask me to promote their product.
Does this cost you anything?
No, this doesn’t cost you anything. You pay exactly the same when you go to the website directly. It’s just a way for a company to see where their customers are from and in exchange I receive a small percentages.
Will you be rich by placing affiliate links on your website?
I wish 🙂 Maybe if I was well known, or if I had quadruplets haha. No, I won’t get rich, but with all these small amounts together I can buy a couple of cups of tea a year, and you have to start somewhere right?
Sponsored post
An affiliate link is something else than a sponsored post. Sometimes I receive products to write a review about. These are always companies that I approach myself because I’m interested in their products. I receive the product for free in exchange of a review, I don’t get paid for this (yet).