Little Maxwell Fresh First Hours | Birth photography Vlissingen Tamara contacted me for the first time in 2011 to ask me if I wanted to take photos of her first child right after he would be born. Of course this was possible and the idea of the “Freshly First Hours” was born. So I was …
A home game | Birth photographer the Netherlands When I had the idea to start up birth photography three years ago, I made posters and flyers to ask for couples who would want to let the birth of their baby be photographed. Marlous saw this request in Honeypie (the best teahouse in Middelburg), but back …
When time is running out and miracles still happen! | Birth Photography in Amsterdam I usually begin my stories with some details about the first meeting I had with the parents, to get to know them, but this story is different. When Henriëtte emailed me – she was already quite far along in her pregnancy …
Little Buddha | Birth photographer the Netherlands There is no translation for this story, but please enjoy the photos.
Rest and Strength | A nice home-birth in Vinkeveen | Photographer at birth I met Rianne at the 9 Months convention in February in Amsterdam where I had a stall together with Jeanette van Youngart (trendy birth cards). We had had contact before that already and Rianne had explained to me that wanted pictures of …
One baby, one ambulance, 6 firemen and eventually a placenta… | Birth photography in Zoetermeer I meet Kim and Jamie at the 9 month exhibition in Amsterdam. They’re so enthusiastic about the concept of birth photography that we have an introductory discussion there and then. A few weeks later they decide definitely to go for …
Together! | Birth photography Breda In January my phone rings. “Hi, this is Lieke”. Before she can say “do you still know who I am?” I’m already thinking: “great to hear from you” and “how long has it been?” and, “maybe she’s calling because she’s pregnant…?” That turns out to indeed be the case and …
Not so long ago Romy, Donja, their dogs and I strolled through the Ritthemse forest where we shot a lovely maternity session. Her estimated due date is the 12th of June. On Tuesday the fifth of June (39 weeks pregnant), Donja thinks her waters have broken. The midwife comes by, but the test is …
Birth photography Amsterdam There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photos!
Birth photography Breda There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photos! rth