Veronique and Arno chose to do a Fresh First Hours session. This means I will start taking photos in the first hour after the baby is born. The birth of their eldest son, Sjoerd, went very quick. So they expected this one to be like that. On November 19th, I get a call at 5.35AM, it’s …
Sweetie! | Birth photography Zeeland Jessica emailed me early in her pregnancy. Even before she was pregnant she knew she wanted photos of the birth, so when she was pregnant, she took action quickly. 🙂 This was Jessica’s second child, and her husband Wim’s first. Unfortunately she was admitted to the hospital with Hyperemesis Gravidarum …
Was it the lolly, or the bath? | Birth photographer At the beginning of the year I received an email from Janneke, who is a midwife. She wrote: “We had contact some time ago in my capacity as a midwife. Right now I am cautiously pregnant with baby number 3. Just 5 weeks or …
Michella and Evan chose a complet package; maternity, birth (Fresh First Hours) and newborn. This is always really nice to do, because you are there to document all the important moments. For the maternity session we tried to choose a day with a beautiful sunset. We had to postpone it a few times, but then …
2 weken geleden werd ik benaderd door het Parool. Ze wilden graag een artikel schrijven over geboortefotografie, maar vanuit de moeder. De vraag was of ik moeders kende in de omgeving Amsterdam die hieraan mee wilden werken. Ik mailde o.a. naar Marianne en Qwen en beiden vonden het leuk! Het resultaat is een twee pagina …
Wat een navelstreng! | Geboortefotografie Hoofddorp De papa en mama van Hugo willen het verhaal en de meeste foto’s voor zichzelf houden. Wel mag ik de onbetaalbare gezichtsuitdrukkingen van de papa laten zien en de enorme navelstreng waarmee Hugo werd geboren!
First Workshop birth photography In April I gave birth my first birth photography workshop. I had spent months preparing, because once I decided to give a workshop I wanted to do it right! The workshop was quickly filled with six enthusiastic (amateur) photographers. Three of them had photographed a birth before and the others not …
A star player with two mommies | Caesarean Rotterdam I first saw Patricia and Marcella at the information evening at the Maasstad Hospital in Rotterdam. It was Patricia in particular that showed interest and at that moment I didn’t know that they were going to have a baby together, they could of course just have …
A C-section in Rotterdam Marcel and Maurice are colleagues, Maurice is the father of Daan, whose birth I had photographed in September 2011, and this brought Marcel and Yvonne in contact with birth photography. I received and email from Yvonne saying that she really wanted to do a photo shoot of the birth but also …
Birth photography Leiden There is no translation for this birthstory, but please enjoy the photos!