IUI In the last month we did our best, once again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? We welcomed the new year – 2014 – with the idea that we’ll have a baby this year. I do hope so! At any rate, I have my period again, so I call the IUI line again and hope …
Holiday When I get my period I am a little tense, but also enthusiastic, because finally something is going to happen. I’m not labouring under a delusion of immediate pregnancy, but the fact that we can try this six times is a calming thought. I nervously phone the number on the piece of paper. “The …
The step to medical treatment We eat a lot of sushi in September, October and November. I’m sick of sushi. No, that’s not true – you can always feed me sushi! 😉 But, still no baby. We haven’t had any missed chances (or eggs) since that fight, and it’s almost a routine now. It’s just …
Sushi For the first time since our ‘I-want-a-baby-with-you’ conversation, I’m sad that my period has come. I know we haven’t been trying for long, but still… the IUI is hanging over my head. It’s September now, and I think that’s the main reason I’m feeling this way. Denny isn’t feeling great at the moment. He’s …
Aunt After that we try the 10-day rule. Do you know this? From the last day of your period you have sex every second day, for 10 days. I know enough women for whom it worked. But I also know that on day 10 Denny and I looked at each other, and thought: do we …
Flip the switch After the fight, it’s like we flip a switch. We decide to spend the next two cycles doing our very ‘best’ to get pregnant. Last week, during a photo shoot, a mom (who gets pregnant easily) told me that she used ovulation tests when trying to get pregnant, and it worked for …
The day after When I wake up, he’s not next to me. I don’t know if he’s already gotten out of bed, or whether he never came to bed. I look like a frog, with my swollen eyes. I’m not angry any more, just very, very sad. What a horrific night. Luckily our Swedish friends …
The lost egg My ovaries, tubes, uterus and ovulation all pass the tests. Whew! They give us the green light and it’s time to start seriously trying! In June I got my period, so on we go, to catch the next egg! As I wrote earlier I always feel my ovulation. And not just briefly, …
My check-up On the 25th of June 2013 I head back to the hospital for my check-up. I go alone, because it’s hard for Denny to get time off. The hospital is so far that you easily lose half a day going back and forth and if it’s not necessary for both of us to …
Seriously trying We leave the hospital with mixed feelings. We’ve decided that we’ll first try to fall pregnant naturally and if it doesn’t happen we’ll contact the hospital again in September. We’ve been given all the information about IUI, so that we can start immediately at that time, if we want to and we won’t …