Flip the switch 

After the fight, it’s like we flip a switch. We decide to spend the next two cycles doing our very ‘best’ to get pregnant. Last week, during a photo shoot, a mom (who gets pregnant easily) told me that she used ovulation tests when trying to get pregnant, and it worked for her first time, every time. I feel ovulation happening, so I don’t really see the point of the tests, but by now I’m willing to give it a try. Who knows – maybe what I’m feeling is inaccurate? Stupid thought really, because 14 days after feeling ovulation happen I get my period, like clockwork, so I know what I’m feeling is ovulation, but hey – may as well try it.

I just find them really expensive… and then that mom gives me a great tip: there are also ovulation dipstick tests. Yep, another ‘new discovery’ in the world of getting pregnant – ovulation dipsticks. She tells me to go to ‘Zwanger en Kids’ (‘Pregnancy and Children’), so when I get home that’s the first thing I do. I buy a stack of ovulation tests ( http://www.zwangerenkids.nl/ovulatietesten-dipstick), and from day 7 I start using them (I sometimes ovulate on day 10 already), and the tests just confirm what I feel…

I don’t need the tests. Anyone else need them? I still have a whole pile of them! 😛

14 days later I get my period…

