The phone call
No, don’t let it be the doctor.
No, no no!
I drive into a parking lot just before the Antwerp exit. Maybe it’s better to not be driving. It’s the doctor. 🙁
“I have bad news. The sperm is not good enough.” I try to stop myself crying. I fail. He can’t tell me what was “not good enough”, but does know that after processing (which is necessary for IUI) there were not enough sperm cells left. There needs to be at least 1 million cells left after processing, or the IUI cannot proceed (that’s the rule at Bergen op Zoom). The doctor doesn’t know how many sperm cells there were, but it was less than 1 million, so the procedure cannot happen.
Now that I’m almost in Bergen op Zoom, I was so hoping for another result… We agree that he will call me late with the definitive result, but I can turn the car around…
I phone Denny, and cry.
Luckily we’re going on holiday next week, which will distract us.
We need it…