
Because we have to wait 3 and a half months, I have time to focus on other things, and that’s not so hard with my first niece on the way! I do a maternity shoot with my sister-in-law Sarina, and my brother, and I just can’t wait until the baby arrives!

Zwangerschapsfotografie nichtje


On the 9th of April I get a call early in the morning – she’s on her way! I take photos at the birth, and it’s such a special experience. At no point do I think of my own desire to have children. I’m just enjoying how special it is that I will be this precious little person’s aunt! You may have seen the photos and session of the birth of my niece at the time, but if not, you can still see it here: Birth Jazlyn.

It was, in one word, amazing!

I am so proud!  But how can I not?!


Suddenly it occurs to me – maybe Denny and I can be her regular babysitters? If we never manage to have our own children, there would still be a child in our lives. Someone with whom I can follow all of life’s phases and stages, celebrate Sinterklaas, go to swimming lessons, and watch grow up. I discuss it with Denny in the evening. He needs to support the idea, because if I get called out to a birth he would need to take over care for the child. He thinks it’s a great idea. ♥

We call Sarina and my brother, and they also think it’s a good idea! My sister and Sarina’s mother also want to babysit, so we’ll divide up the hours between us.

I can’t wait! This feels good, really good. Soon we’ll have a little person in our house, who I can carry in the wrap, give as many kisses as I want, and can lavish with all my motherly love. Yes!

