Pros and cons

We make a pros-and-cons list about Groningen. The ‘cons’ list contains mostly practical reasons, mainly to do with the sheer distance. We try to think of solutions. Maybe we can do some of the scans here? Maybe we could stay with Denny’s mother, in Zwolle? Denny has a new job and the company has an office in Zwolle… The more we talk about it, the more possibilities we see.

I call my fellow photographer who I know got pregnant with ICSI on own cycle. We’ve seen each other occasionally in real life, but never really had much contact. I hope she doesn’t mind me contacting her. I tell her my whole story, and fortunately she doesn’t mind at all that I want to discuss it with her. She explains how it all works, and at that moment the biggest ‘shock’ for me (in a positive sense) is hearing that in terms of the insurance, 6 attempts of ICSI on your own cycle is equal to one ‘normal’ attempt! So you can try 6 times with your own egg! 6 times!! This makes me emotional. I want this! But then she says, “I think you can only do it up to the age of 34.”

Oh no… I turn 35 next month. Does that mean it won’t be possible?


