He or she… what will it be?

Soon Denny and I will know whether we’re having a boy or a girl. I often ask people whether they had a preference, and usually get a pretty standard answer: it didn’t matter, as long as it was healthy. Do people really think this? Is it strange to have a preference?

I’ll admit it: I’ve had a preference all my life. Of course it comes second to, “as long as it’s healthy”, but it’s still there… I’d prefer a girl. I think I’m more of a girly mother, and I’d enjoy shopping for girly clothes (when they’re small, because maybe she’d grow into a tough girl who doesn’t like dresses and flowers). It also seems to me like it would be very special later in life to become a grandmother when your own daughter is pregnant, and… I guess I just feel like a girl would be a better fit for me, in some strange way. When we were in the hospital having delivered my egg, and it was time for the sperm, I joked, “a girl, please” whereupon the doctor very seriously explained that she couldn’t see any difference at this stage, hahaha! She did remember it though, because when we went for the transfer she said, “Let’s see if he’s in the right place. Oh no, it’s a girl, right?” 🙂

Please don’t misunderstand me; the world won’t end if it’s a boy. When you admit to having a preference for a girl, you feel like you have to justify yourself if it’s a boy. I love my child already, no matter what. Let’s be clear about that. 🙂 Last week I read an article on ‘Moeders voor Moeders’ – some women take this even further: http://www.vriendinnenonderelkaar.nl/2015/01/22/liever-een-jongen-of-een-meisje/ (It’s in Dutch.. Sorry). For me it doesn’t go that far. 😉

The strange thing is (or maybe it’s wishful thinking?) that from the first moment I knew I was pregnant; I’ve had a very strong feeling that it is a girl. I will fall off my chair in surprise if we cut open the cake (at our gender-reveal party – more about that on the blog on the 16th of February), and it turns out to be a blue cake, hahaha!

But anyway.. I want to know: what do you think: boy or girl?

Ps. Hier al small peak from our gender reveal party: the awesome invitation by Liseth Blitz from Blitz Ontwerpt!

(In Dutch is says “He or She, what do you think?” but in English the translation would be better: “He or She what will it be?”.)

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