In this category you’ll find everything that doesn’t belong in another category 😉 Everything about my life as a mom of Liv, wife of Denny and all the brain waves I have. If I have time 🙂


…..the one I fantasized about writing for so long, and now I really am going to write it. It’s day 10 of Liv’s life, and everything is going better than expected, especially if you consider that she was born by …

95. Waiting for the baby

Waiting for the baby If there was 1 thing I didn’t want to have to do, it was waiting. From the very beginning of this pregnancy I’ve focussed on it lasting 42 weeks, so it doesn’t feel so incredibly long …

94. The Epi-no

The Epi-no A little while ago I mentioned on FaceBook that “my” Epi-no had arrived. There were a lot of reactions, and lots of questions, so now you’re getting an Epi-no post. 🙂 The first time I heard of the …

93. Maternity shoot at the beach and the woods

Maternity shoot at the beach and the woods Everyone who knows me, or has been following me for a while, knows by now that I consider myself a very thrifty person. But it’s not always true, it’s just that there …

92.  Fantasy vs Reality, Part II

Fantasy vs Reality, Part II In the first weeks of this pregnancy I wrote a similar blog like this. The beginning of my pregnancy was absolutely terrible, so not only did I write a blog about the fantasy vs the …

91. Samen zwangerschaps-verlof

Samen zwangerschapsverlof Soms gebeuren er van die dingen in je leven PRECIES op het juiste moment. Al ruim 14 jaar werkt Denny in de energiesector als accountmanager (daarvoor al 10 jaren in de verzekeringsbranche). Vorig jaar is hij overgestapt naar …

90. Photosession by Arno Hoogwerf Fotografie

Foto session by Arno Hoogwerf Fotografie Arno and I have ‘known’ each other for some time via social media. We’re in a number of Facebook groups together. Over 2 years ago we ended up chatting about maternity photography on Facebook, and we …

89. The Birth Announcement Card

The Birth Announcement Card What I’m going to say now may be considered very shocking by some, but we discussed not sending a birth announcement card at all, and only making the birth known via internet. There is so much …

88. De winnaars – deel 2

De winnaars van de tweede Facebook-actie Er werd weer massaal gereageerd, super gaaf! Jullie waren het net zoals ik erover eens dat het mooie producten zijn om in huis te hebben. Zoveel mooie reacties ook gekregen dat ik blij ben …

87. What do you write in a birth plan?

What do you write in a birth plan? It’s becoming more normal and popular to write a birth plan these days. Women are more aware of what they do and don’t want during a birth. One women will write a …

86. Tweede Facebook winactie

De winactie! HET IS NIET MOGELIJK MEER OM MEE TE DOEN MET DE WINACTIE. De vorige winactie was een groot succes. Alle winnaars zijn inmiddels in contact gebracht met de leveranciers en sommigen hebben hun prijs al binnen. Super leuk! Omdat …

85. Why a water birth?

Why a water birth? I have an article from a newspaper, which I’ve saved since 1999. I read it in the Metro when I was 19 years old. It was about water births, and even then I thought: one day, …