Take a look!
The last blog of this holiday with a few facts and highlights (that we haven’t shared yet, because some of the photos in this and this blog, were highlights as well!). Because of the rain it was a little different than our usual holiday, but we sure enjoyed (parts of) it! Photos in this blog …
After a night sleep (in a so called pool villa full of insects), the weather doesn’t look any better. Admittedly it is dry sometimes, but that’s all. But then again, a few days with bad weather is not the end of the world right? The only thing is that the weather forecast for the coming …
(If you missed the last blog: we arrived in a really simple hotel without any facilities, while the rain is pouring down. Because of the rain, and floods, there are no taxi’s available. You can read the previous blog here) The guy from the taxi speaks English very well, so I ask him if there …
2 days before we leave I receive a message from my friend Evelien. It’s a link to a news message: “4 deaths because of the floods in Thailand.” I’m surprised, floods? In January? In the dry season? How is that possible? I didn’t even check the weather forecast. I have been in South-East Asia for …
Before we were lucky to have Liv, I had all kinds of ideas what kind of mother I would be. I had ideas about what I would do with my child, what I wouldn’t do and how I would try to live my life the way it was before I had kids. Yeah right…. Of …
I like to go to a country and just see there what we will do. Only the first night I like to book so you have time to acclimatize. Since we have Liv we book 3 nights to have some extra time to get into the rhythm. Because of our (part awful) flight, she needs it this …
(If you have missed the last blog, you can read it here. We are waiting in Dubai to board the plane). Liv is so extremely tired that she can’t cry or sleep. It is time to board the plane and I’m not sure what is best: to wait here as long as possible or to …
Do you recognize this situation: your child is hysterical in public and EVERY-ONE is watching?! Either because they feel pity or because they are irritated. Fortunately we have never experienced this, because Liv never cried longer than 15 minutes in a row. All the flights we have done with her were a piece of cake. …
So what do you pack if you go to the tropics? In our case: not to much because it had to fit in two backpacks. Oooh what did we get into?!?!? Hahahaha. The biggest challenge is (except our own clothes, toiletries, Liv her clothes and stuff) to pack 3 packs of diapers! Not that they …